Saturday, August 20, 2011

Orange Hot Rods

At the Chamberfest again. I find the cars fascinating and appreciate the time, effort, and love it must take to make these a pleasure to look at (and drive).


  1. Thanks for the photos, it's been years since I was last in Los Alamos. Is the White Roxy theater still open? Is La Paraguas? Beautiful country! Jim

  2. White Roxy - long gone. It's been a restaurant (Mel's which moved to the Philomena front gate location and is now De Colores), a lab office, a church, and now empty. El Paragua in ESP? Still there and good. However, a large off shoot, El Parasol, opened in the old Sandia Credit Union. Mmmm Mmmm Good!

  3. Thanks, I knew the fellow who ran the White Roxy and I believe I had heard he had died. Yes, El Paragua in Espanola (I remembered "the umbrella," not the exact name). I remember it as being very good. Again, thanks. Jim
